
SunCentral – Big hopes take flight for a brighter future on the coast

SunCentral – Big hopes take flight for a brighter future on the coast

Over the last few months groundwork has begun to make way for a new, and incredibly large addition to our Maroochydore community. Back in 2013 a planning decision was taken that Maroochydore, and the greater Sunshine Coast was in need of a CBD: if it were in fact to prosper and possibly become the next Australian world destination for tourism and business.

SunCentral – Big hopes take flight for a brighter future on the coast

For those of you who haven’t heard about this, the new development, SunCentral, as it has come to be known, was first declared at the request of the Sunshine Coast Council on 19th July 2013. SunCentral will be located in central Maroochydore on the Sunshine Coast, approximately 100 kilometres north of Brisbane CBD. This new CBD will cover council landholdings including the previous site of the Horton Park Golf Club and private land in Dalton Drive. With a total site area of approximately 60 hectares, and adjacent to the Sunshine Cove development, personally we’re perfectly placed to watch it blossom. It will establish Maroochydore as the pre-eminent centre on the Sunshine Coast for economic activity, employment and the provision of high-level services.

SunCentral – Big hopes take flight for a brighter future on the coast

SunCentral represents a unique opportunity to establish a new business and community centre on the Sunshine Coast, a focal point for both current and new residents alike offering multiple investment and business development opportunities. To be built over the next 20 years, SunCentral will transform Maroochydore into one of the most functional and commercially viable regional cities in Australia. This is great news, as it will provide countless local construction and related jobs throughout its lengthy duration.

SunCentral – Big hopes take flight for a brighter future on the coast

Located just 10 minutes from the Sunshine Coast Airport and 5 minutes from some of the best of our world-class beaches, it will be truly unique. It will feature; state of the art commercial office space, CBD style retail space, dining and entertainment precincts, significant public parkland and waterways, premium hotels, an entertainment, convention and exhibition centre, inner city style living and plenty of new community facilities. The models and graphics released to illustrate the plans showcase the utmost care and consideration taken by the architects to create not only an architecturally stunning city landscape, but one that perfectly coincides with the Sunshine Coast lifestyle and aesthetic.

SunCentral – Big hopes take flight for a brighter future on the coast

While this new development will undoubtedly expand our population, the positive impact on local businesses and our economy will be more than palpable, with new and old businesses having the opportunity to flourish in an enriched environment that will draw tourists and new residents to our haven in droves. Things are going to start changing in a big way very soon, and I for one am very excited to see what a bigger, stronger Maroochydore and Sunshine Coast is capable of. Like to know more? Visit the Sun Central web site.

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