
Stay At Home – Sunshine Coast Event, Business and Service Changes

The world seems to have gone crazy as of late, and who can blame it. We’re living through strange times where government orders keep us in our homes to avoid the spread of disease – life on the Sunshine Coast is changing for the foreseeable future, because it must. While usually this blog is about the social events and lifestyle that makes the coast what it is, at times like this we must all pay attention and make changes for the good of the community. While you may not be worried about the dangers of COVID-19, many more vulnerable people who live among us can be put at risk by the choices the rest of us make.

Unfortunately, as part of the government’s plan to help combat the spread of this virus, many of the amazing social events planned for the Sunshine Coast over the next few months have had to cancel or reschedule until the danger has passed – an indefinite hiatus on marathons, festivals, and street parties to say the least. While unfortunate, these new guidelines are necessary and important to abide by, and many that you may not be aware of. Many of your favourite business and services have had to seriously change the way they do business, or even close indefinitely in order to abide by these laws. Many restaurants and food services have had to close down all dining areas and only serve take away options to their customers – while other businesses have been required to mark out safe spacing for their customers while within their premises. In order to keep these local businesses open we all must do everything we can to help in following these new operating guidelines.

You may be noticing a rise in the amount of freely available hand sanitiser and other such hygiene products. Businesses are required to provide such facilities to encourage customers to more frequently consider their own hygiene – also required is that we all practice social distancing – meaning to keep all social interaction to a minimum, and to always keep a minimum distance between yourself and others of at least one and a half meters. This is especially important in public places, or at least those being allowed to continue to operate, such as essential workplaces, health care settings, pharmacies, food shopping, schools, and of course public transport. When you absolutely must make use of these services make sure to follow these distancing guidelines as best as possible, and to routinely practice good hygiene.

For more information on how you can help prevent the spread, visit the Australian Government Department of Health’s website here.

It’s a constantly updated health alert with the latest news and guidelines to keep us all informed on the latest. This includes current and incoming government guidelines, health advice, and information surrounding this pandemic and how it all affects you.

Play it safe and stay well.

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