
Feeling the Burn for 26 Years – The Mooloolaba Triathlon

Returning for it’s 26th year, the iconic Mooloolaba Triathlon will be running from the 9th till the 11th of March, offering an opportunity to test your metal with the best and your nearest and dearest. Located right here in the heart of the Sunshine Coast, hosted by the home of Triathlons here on the coast – Mooloolaba. There’s no where better to put yourself to the test than at this year’s Mooloolaba Triathlon, with our beautiful beaches, stunning hinterlands, and chilled atmosphere. There’s a race for all comers, from kids, to athletes, and those just after a bit of fun in the sun, there’s a race tailor made for you.

The Twilight 5km road Run is widely regarded as one of Australia’s most beautiful, and premier road distance events, attracting huge numbers of participants, from elite athletes, to families walking the whole distance together. This track is a simple back and forth, two lap course along the beautiful, and iconic, Mooloolaba Esplanade. This year, in 2018, the Twilight Sprint returns, adding a little more pace to the event for those who want it. This variety of the race changes things up, with a modified version of the track. The Sprint instead includes four laps of a 1.2km track, requiring open male and female participants to complete the track within a certain time limit – 18 minutes for Open Mens, and 21 minutes for Open Womens.

Of course there’s also an event just for the kids, the Mooloolaba Superkidz Triathlon. You know it will be good, because they spell Superkids with a ‘Z’, so it must be cool. In all seriousness, this event is perfectly catered to budding young athletes, not yet ready to race alongside the big boys, between the ages of 7 and 13 years old. They do, of course, offer different races for both the 7-10 years age group, with a smaller event, and a slightly longer, more difficult and testing event for the 11 to 13 age bracket. For the 7-10s, there is
a 100m swim, 1km bike ride, and a 500m run to finish off. If that doesn’t put them to bed at a decent hour, nothing will. For the older kids there’s a 200m swim, 3km cycle, and a 1km run to finish, which sounds more my speed.

As part of the weekend event, there is also the specifically designed and organised Mooloolaba Special Triathlon, an event just for those with special needs and disabilities, one of only three events that offer such an official event in the world. The track itself is a 100m swim, 1km bike ride, finishing off with a 500m run, all along roots with plenty of volunteers to help competitors towards their goals and the finish line in safety.

Of course, there’s also the professional league, represented by the 2018 Mooloolaba ITU Triathlon World Cup. This event’s track includes a 1.5km swim, followed up by a gruelling 40km bike ride, finishing off with a ‘light’ 10km run. This event is of course for the very serious athletes, with prize money from a pool of $60,000, which is nothing to shake a stick at. So if you’re a budding athlete, have something to prove, or just like watching sweating people run, check out the Mooloolaba Triathlon’s 26th Anniversary this March 9th to the 11th.

For more information on all events, including more detail of the event’s tracks, see the webpage for details.

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