
How to Run a Successful Garage Sale

The great sense of community that characterises the Sunshine Coast makes it the perfect place to enjoy a good garage sale. While you might have been to more garage sales than you can count, it can be a little daunting when you’ve decided you want to host your own. There are a few important things to remember if you want to ensure everything goes without a hitch, so here are a few top tips on how to run a successful garage sale.


Being Prepared

Preparation is truly the key to running a successful garage sale. It will actually take several days to organise everything and get ready, so make sure you plan this into your timeframe. To start off with, take a look at the things you want to get rid of. It’s helpful to make a list of everything so you have a clear running inventory going. Now start working your way down the list and make sure the items are clean and in good condition ready for sale. By putting in a little extra work by making things look well presented, you will greatly increase your chances of selling your goods.


Getting the Word Out

Once everything is ready to go, it’s time to work on your marketing. Start by promoting your garage sale via word of mouth. Let all your friends know when it is happening, and consider creating a Facebook event and inviting everybody that you know. Ask at your local cafés if you can leave small flyers on the counter to get the word out that you’re having a sale. By putting some extra effort into making your flyers look appealing, you are far more likely to attract a wide range of people. Put notices into the local newspapers, as this is one of the first places that buyers tend to look to see when the sales will be on. Make your entry clear, concise and eye catching to ensure a good turnout.

Strategic signage on the road will help to direct people to your location, and once again appearance is key. Don’t just settle for a hand written Nikko pen and paper sign, spend a little time printing off something that is clear, easy to read and attractive to prospective buyers.

garage sale sign

Know What Will Sell

Positioning is everything when it comes to setting up your sale. Put the popular items at the front in an easy to see and accessible location to draw everybody in. Any boutique, special interest or collectable items can be places towards the back for people to explore as they wander further through your space.

Choosing the Right Price

Many people struggle with pricing for their sale. On one hand, you want to get the best value for money, however you also don’t want to put people off by pricing your items too high. Spend some time on eBay and Gumtree to see what the going price is on the items you’re looking to sell, and try and be just a little more competitive with price. It can also be a good idea to put ‘or nearest offer’ or ‘negotiable’ on some of your larger items to allow interested buyers to approach you with their best offers.

By remembering these important tips, you are bound to have a great garage sale. A great part of living on the Sunshine Coast is the inherent community bond that everybody shares. Hosting a successful garage sale is all about tapping into this community spirit and enjoying a great day. You’ll meet some wonderful new people, strengthen existing neighbourhood ties and clear out your garage all in one go!

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