
Freakishly Fun – Aussie World’s Halloween FestEVIL

With October on the horizon, I, along with many just like me, begin to think of only one thing – Halloween. Traditionally Halloween rests on the 31st of October, and marks to beginning of ‘Allhallowtide’ – a three day grouping of Christian holidays for celebrating the dead and buried. Other cultures have their own of course, such as Mexico’s famously vibrant De Los Muertos – it is almost a human psychological need to remember, and celebrate our dead. Here on the Sunshine Coast we have a number of killer parties, but one tops the lot. Aussie World‘s Annual Halloween FestEVIL, complete with rollercoasters and Hallo-weenies!

So for my fellow pro-halloweeners – the question remains, how would you rather celebrate this ghoulish holiday? Throw a costume party with bad music on a worse sound system with some sickly sweet punch you’re pretty sure you saw some seedy looking ghost pour something insidious into? Or how about something a little more family friendly? Aussie World are once again holding their smash hit of a Halloween Festival, The Aussie World Halloween FestEVIL – The Sunshine Coasts biggest of All Hallows’ parties – And no seedy ghosts at the punch bowls – promise! Opening night is set to be bigger and better than ever this October’s Friday 13th – Could they pick a more appropriate date?

With unlimited rides and frights and other fun scares Aussie World is putting on one hell of a show for the whole family: “Explore the park in the darkness of night, but be wary of the hidden witches, goblins and ghouls The little horrors will receive a free pumpkin bucket and can venture to each of our haunted huts to receive a trick or a treat. And don’t forget to wonder into the extraordinary new kids maze and see what surprises await. For the more adventurous souls, there are TWO massive new mazes that will absolutely chill you to the bone. These are only for the strong willed and are guaranteed to give you nightmares… One is horrific but the other is extreme…. Are you game enough to do both? PLUS the park will be filled with loads of roving entertainers, amazing shows and of course – rides. Come along dressed in your best Halloween outfit for your chance to take home some of our huge prizes”.

As return participants, me and my pack of shamblers will definitely be putting our best work into our costumes and taking aim at the big prize but more than anything it’s something we as a family can bond over. The artistic and creative journey of conceptualising and creating our own and individual costumes and characters to accompany them, it’s something we as a unit always look forward to with excitement and joy.

For more information on this years’ FestEVIL visit their website, with tickets starting at just $38.

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