
The Shared – A Bohemian Shed

The Shared - A Bohemian Shed

My family and myself recently moved into our new home. We played a large role in designing the building, making sure we got the look and feel we really wanted, and we did. Our ‘warehouse’ inspired home lends itself to both modern and antique interior design, and our choices of furniture have been a mix of both worlds to reflect that and our own tastes. Since moving in we have been slowly collecting pieces to add that little something to our rooms, and this weekend we ventured to the very interesting store called ‘The Shared’ in search of some new additions. Little did we know that there is so much more to this Pandora’s box of a building than we had heard.

Within the corrugated walls of ‘The Shared’ shed exterior we found the most intriguing collection of antiquities and relics, as well as expertly brewed espresso coffee and a gallery of photography students’ works taken from the classes held here. We sat down for a coffee and to properly take in the very Bohemian surrounds. Every wall and just about every inch of floor space was taken up by oddities of all sorts, from beautifully and intricately decorated tea cups and coffee mugs to hard, wooden dining chairs with beautiful natural designs carved into the flesh of the oaken frame. A large, plush, blue couch sat snug up next to a bright redwood table and chairs with green felt covered seat cushions. In the corner was a low coffee table with countless throws and fabrics strewn across it, flanked by the most eye-catching of chocolate brown leather couch and seat combination, with orange pillows and cushions. Spread across the tables and shelves are an assortment of odds and ends, from little brass figures, to children’s toys, to beautifully decorated and crafted vases. Artworks and crafts make their homes all around you in this big red shed, and you can’t help but be inspired here. Little wonder it’s been such a successful classroom for the Sunshine Coast School of Photography.

The Shared - A Bohemian Shed

‘The Shared’ plays host to the Sunshine Coast’s School of Photography. They offer a range of classes from ‘learning how to take better photographs, to master classes in professional photography and documentary film making.’ The sky is the limit in the big red shed. For those looking for more legitimate qualifications, having grown from small, green shoots, the Sunshine Coast School of Photography now offers a diploma course in Creative & Professional Photography. Classes are run by highly qualified and experienced teachers whose work is vibrant, exciting and current. For more information on classes visit the Sunshine Coast School of Photography website.


As well as peddling their wares, coffee and photography classes, ‘The Shared’ also plays host to a number of live music events, from band performances to musicians happily chatting about their experiences and writing processes between intimate performances of their work with the crowd. For more information on their events and ‘The Shared’ visit their Facebook page.


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